Children Benifit From Having Stay At Home Parents

Stay at home parents are often classified as moms and dads, who at home to raise their young children and toddlers at the time of their formation.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Learning Online in Universities and Colleges

It 'true that most of the universities have employed all over the world the new technology in their education systems; or offer fully online learning systems or mixing learning systems, where the benefits of online and traditional learning module can be reached (Paechter, 2010). This paper argues that online learning can replace traditional learning in all aspects of higher education, but not. Some aspects have employee training, but e-learning can support it. This essay aspects of online education and traditional in terms of four criteria: accessibility, interaction and communication, study room and the practice in some educational programs. First e-learning has a lot of benefits on learning campus-based. the online learning accessibility is simple and straightforward in higher education, while learning campus bounded by time and place. Online learning provides greater flexibility for students, where you can access in a reasonable time, the information in their home and work (Rohleder et al., 2008). A study by Rohleder (2008) shows that this approach to information learning facilitates access to many resources, not only on class material, but also on electronic data on university library sites. Today, with a network of fiber optic cables to communicate on the Internet is faster, saves time.
Despite the accessibility advantage of web-learning, there are some complications. observed a good example of a technical problem, such as a power failure, the students received between two study evaluating universities in South Africa in 2008 (cited Rohleder, 2008; pp 100-102). As Poul Rohleder (2008) states that only 5% of the technical difficulties students (p, 100). In addition, students need a long time to wait until they can not use a computer because of the high demand on them (Rohleder et al., 2008). But the result could not affect accessibility.

Classroom learning and Online learning

As an online student, an expert in the field of primary school teaching his goal, I learned many skills and attributes that I will be successful both in the study and help my career. I have witnessed how online degree from a traditional classroom is different and were able to explore a number of online sources of information and distinguish their credibility by evaluating their Metzger (2007) criteria.
In these first three weeks of the study, I was able to test the skills and attributes that I need two online studies and future work placement to be successful for my. These skills include effective time management for curriculum and teaching productivity; to provide great communication skills that you need from the students and be able to speak with the needs and continue their parents' child; Together to work in a place with many different people from many different cultures; adaptive thinking (Institute for the Future in 2011), and that can adapt to suit the situation evaluate my classroom dynamics; Media literacy in the 21st century introduce media in the classroom; and a design mentality that will help in the development of curricula and presented these plans in the classroom in order to achieve the desired result. I also learned that I need to continue to evaluate my skills and update them as needed.
Online learning is different from traditional classroom, in this case, because we all go to trial, rather than "blank slate" or "empty vessels", but we are with prior knowledge, whether it be from other studies, work or by circles of the family or the community. It provides us with people we could ever that people from different cultures and also allows you to interact with people in different countries. online learning is a great way to be active in a "ClassRoom" .

skills , Learning and character

Nelson Mandela said, "Education is the most powerful weapon is that you can change the world." In other words, forming an important role in society and people makes development. The purpose of education should prepare students for life, to feed in the potential of each student, so that anyone can connect and share their ideas and unique skills to society. This knowledge is mainly obtained through education that people impressed prospects throughout their lives and allows them to realize what is happening in the world around. Therefore, most of the countries to democratize education for all people who assign these countries the majority of their resources to improve their education systems to as many as possible to meet people in educational institutions. For example, this strategy was adopted in the US, where students combine their schools, apart from her teaching to pay for college. For decades, people have debated whether education improves their ability to learn or develop personal characteristics. While the skills are obtained in schools where students learn as independent ,, successful, and to have the creative traditional skills such as reading, writing and mathematics. Although the developed personality traits education to improve learning ability of students, it is more favorable. Focus on learning ability is clearly growing influence of public safety, personal health and participation in political life.

Improve Distance Education programs

Distance Education Program is more popular among working adults. There seems to be a second chance for them. There are many universities that offered distance learning program with different courses. One of them is the Science University of Malaysia (USM). Through this program, working adult can expand their knowledge in the field of work and it even easier for them to get promotion. Like sometimes we do not know who want to continue their studies, many workers, but until the announcement of them had. For example, in connection with most of the ads it is distance learning at the University of Science Malaysia on the Internet, but not all are always surf the internet at the appointed hour. So I think the process needs to be promoted further sent through the print media and letters to all organizational gatherings, public or private sector.
To my personal opinion, you do not remember an intensive course, which takes place every year, but because of this session students have the opportunity to understand topic related to the study. The views are very different atmosphere than the video conference. Students have plenty of time to reflect and consult with the teacher to better understand and get a useful contribution to achieve something that is excellent in the final test. Teachers can make the initiative with their students to approach, through the creation of social groups, telegram or what applications is up. Through this social group, students are able to ask for something, they do not understand the topic to their teachers. Teachers can also react and immediately update their student. This type of interaction will make the process easier learning.
It should be every two months a meeting between students and the teacher at least once. This is because, meet their teachers, students are awake. About their homework, tests and exams Otherwise, some of them are lost in their own world because of their work Burden.

How Education Improves Society

Education is one of the most important tools that a socity. the right the introduction of this tool is one of the greatest ways to improve the quality of life in a guarantee Society. Life is a struggle and education is a turning point in society. improving education style of human life and the social environment. Education is important in almost every aspect of our Life. Considering all the improvements and differences that education has done, we can not to see what he did for us. Today we see training simply as academic performance; but this is notall there for education. be yourself, find the review of your culture and identity and Family are the most important issues that we must consider when the always think long-term training that affect our lives positively and forever. Education improves the socially and Education is a very important place in society, have multiple purposes for society it is of great importance. One of them is the increase in people knowledge result that the most intelligent and educated people, train them for almost every problem that It could come. As a result, they can serve the people, to make up the company because not educated and trained to do so. Another goal is that people learn their responsibilities as The citizens and the importance of values ​​such as trust and justice. Furthermore, the formation Order to develop a better person all interest in things, job or career, It can improve the lifestyle. The ability to improve, is a strong skills inherited the human race. Without the coherent development of humanity, life would be nothing but survival. At his level to define education is nothing but the doctrine.

The Health Education Effects

The causal effects of health education would call only to the extent of the formation of subsidies that a market failure and that people are investing in sub-optimal; Otherwise, individuals would their education decisions about the health benefits along with based financial benefits. The possible reasons for the formation of subsidies include the idea that people can enjoy benefits of health education not be aware when they meet their training decisions that may be restricted loans that some groups do not know or excluded from ' higher education, or that there are externalizes to education and health beyond the affected person.
to understand the mechanism that influences the formation of a healthy, and it is important for the policy. It can be cheaper than the tap to increase the level of education mechanism. For example, the effect when all the training led by income and improving health income, then it might be cheaper to transfer his income, rather than directly subsidizing education. But to increase the level of education could be the right policy response if, for example, there are alternatives were not (or not) to buy method for skills that ultimately affect health.
Despite these limitations, the authors point out that education policies have the potential to have a significant effect on health. Assuming that the correlations observed between education and health are long-term causal effects of education on health, and that the relationship is linear and identical regardless of gender, race, and other groups, authors can do to return an approximate calculation of the health education guidelines. Prior research has $ 1,000 ($ 1,998) on target subsidies to an increase of 0,16-year training, the offer found that translates into 0:03 to 0:10 years of additional life (second actualization). This is about $ 2,250- $ 7.200 in cash value. It is a very large margin.
The data that the authors show that the relationship more educated lower morbidity of acute and most common chronic diseases (heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cholesterol, emphysema, diabetes, asthma attacks, ulcers) with. the more educated people are less likely to suffer from hypertension or diabetes or emphysema be. physical and mental function is also better trained for the better. The more educated are significantly less likely to report that they reported anxiety or depression in poor health, and less likely. Finally, the issues more educated people report fewer days in bed due to illness or work, and have fewer functional limitations.
The size of the relationship between education and health will vary depending on conditions, but is usually great. Four more years of education reduces mortality at five years by 1.8 percentage points; but also it reduces the risk of heart disease by 2.16 percentage points, and the risk of diabetes by 1.3 percentage points. Four more years of schooling reduces the probability of fair or poor health by 6 percentage points and reduced days lost to illness per year 2.3. Although the gender effects and race should not be roughly comparable to the female form or ready to be African-American, it is the size of four school years. These are not trivial effects.
There are several reasons for these associations, although it is likely that these differences in health are the result of behavioral differences between educational groups partially. As for the relationship between education and various risk factors to health - smoking, drinking, diet / exercise, the use of illegal drugs, the safety of families, the use of preventive health care and treatment for hypertension and diabetes - overall results show very steep slopes, where the more educated have healthier behaviors along virtually any room, even if some of these behaviors must also be covered the unequal access to care. Those with more years of education are less likely to smoke, drink too much, being overweight or obese, or use illegal drugs. It is noteworthy that the more educated the report have tried illicit drugs more frequently, but they gave easily.

Sunday 19 June 2016

Good education for the benefit of all, even if you spent a long time to be a student

The benefits of having a college education are many and range from cultural finance. mutual benefits for some unexpected surprises, below you will find a variety of reasons that will help to serve as a justification for a higher education.
Some unexpected benefits of a college education
For many high school students, it is difficult to imagine what could be the long-term benefits of a college education. College is daunting, the work seems daunting, and meet new people all seems overwhelming.
What if I do not make new friends? What should I do if I'm having trouble adjusting to dorm life. And if the work is too hard? However, what most young people do not realize is that the majority of first-year students feel the same fears.
As a high school student, you appreciate your friends, and to separate these friends can be hard to think. The good news, however, is that when you get to college, there is a high probability that you find others with similar interests, values ​​and the same sense of humor. In addition, you may find yourself developing new interests become familiar with those who have completely different life experiences as you.
Often, when people are to realize the benefits of a college education, they look back in time when they met friends for life. In college, your most important task is to learn and start taking charge of your life with your own choices. In fact, what you are supposed to do is more than likely exactly what you want to do: to learn more about the intriguing themes and spend time with friends. What better justification for higher education needs? One of the main advantages of a college education is the links that are created and developed during this unique moment in the life of a person.
An opportunity to get to know your professors can also be considered one of the benefits of having a college education. These intellectuals can count on him to accept applications and discussion of the students. In fact, they would not be there if the transmission of knowledge was a passion for them.
Many high school students are too young to understand that an equally important aspect of the experience of the college has made connections. Establish links simply it means building relationships with people who are more in their careers you. His professors in college love to play this role and are happy to help you with your trip after college.
When it comes time to look for work and enjoy the benefits of a higher education, you can resort to the network and has been created in order to make this process much easier. One of the advantages of having a college education is to create a strong bond with the instructors to give you an advantage at the beginning of the job search process.
Another of the many advantages of a college education meets other remote places of various origins. Acquire the awareness of the proximity of the diversity offered is another justification for a higher education. Get to know people different stories will give a broader view of the world, cultural understanding, and refinement. In college, you surround yourself with people who can share a wide variety of backgrounds, cultures and experiences.

Employment benefits of a college education

Before entering the workplace, it's a good idea to take this social growth and learning opportunities, as well as other young people who do the same thing. The fact that you will build a career for the rest of your life is enough to make time for a college education, in every sense of the word reason. In fact, a clear benefit of a college education is that not only will give you time to get to know your tastes before you enter the workforce, will also improve the chances of a lucrative career for you.
When you spend as much time as you're probably in building a career, it is important that you choose something that you enjoy and can do well. If you make yourself aware of your choices, learning each of your many options, you increase your chances to be more satisfied with your career later in life.
Many young people are unsure of a career path ahead of college. This is a time of exploration, and take time to explore a variety of undergraduate majors is well spent. If it explores important that appeals to you, the gain will be much larger without education. The more formal education you have, the safer it will be. As a new graduate, when you go around the world to faraway places, those taking an opinion of you based largely on the position of university education. Even if you are aware of your brilliant personality, they are not. If education on your resume is impressive, they are more likely to see you as a hard working, responsible young person.

Debt decrease - Higher Education Rationale

In any case, the justification for higher education could be that it is better to delay having to get a job! After extending your search for employment, while obtaining a valuable degree, you will find that your career choice will likely be much higher with your degree. And while a higher salary does not, unless you already have a promising career at age 18, has dramatically increase your earning potential if you attend college.
Fortunately, with the advent of the Internet, it is now easier than ever to find ways to pay for college. Taking advantage of these opportunities for scholarships and can reduce the need for a loan to finance your education first.